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Coconut & Cocoa

Artisanal Coconut Water - Frozen

Artisanal Coconut Water - Frozen

In stock | 500ml Q11.99
Unpasteurized organic coconut water. Coconut water is the delicious liquid created by the wonderful coconut. Ours is not processed. We simply remove it from the coconut, pack it, and freeze it to preserve all of its natural nutrients, vitamins,...
Artisanal Coconut Water - Frozen

Artisanal Coconut Water - Frozen

In stock | 1 liter Q22.99
Unpasteurized organic coconut water. Coconut water is the delicious liquid created by the wonderful coconut. Ours is not processed. We simply remove it from the coconut, pack it, and freeze it to preserve all of its natural nutrients, vitamins,...
Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder

Sin existencias | Q42.99

As the only ingredient CACAO 100% bitter and organic.

It can be used to bake cakes and brownies.

Cocoa Tea

Cocoa Tea

In stock | 8oz Q35.99

The only ingredient is the CACAO SHELL.

Delicious to prepare great infusions and with good properties. It is rich in vitamins A and C.
Our cocoa is organic and handcrafted

Fine Grated Coconut

Fine Grated Coconut

In stock | 4oz Q17.99
Fine Grated Coconut

Fine Grated Coconut

In stock | 8oz Q35.99
Natural Shredded Coconut

Natural Shredded Coconut

Sin existencias | Q18.99
Natural Shredded Coconut

Natural Shredded Coconut

Sin existencias | Q36.99
Artisanal Coconut Kefir

Artisanal Coconut Kefir

In stock | 500ml Q34.99

Ingredients: coconut milk (filtered water, fresh coconut), kefir culture

It has a life time of 3 months

Kefir is a fermented drink similar to yogurt, but it...

Super Atol de Amaranto

Super Atol de Amaranto

In stock | Lb Q42.99

- Harina de Amaranto
- Harina de Maiz
- Ajonjoli 

- Mejora la memoria
- Proteina de alta calidad
- Ayuda al desarrollo infantil
- Reduce el colesterol