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Organic Black Beans (15oz)

Organic Black Beans (15oz)

Sin existencias | Q54.99
Pinto Beans (Can)

Pinto Beans (Can)

In stock | 15oz Q54.99

Pinto beans, also known as speckled beans, are creamy in texture and highly nutritious.

Among its properties are fiber, iron, protein and minerals.

Chickpeas (Can)

Chickpeas (Can)

Sin existencias | Q54.99

Preserves obtained from dried seeds and subsequently rehydrated, healthy and clean from the plant.

Eating chickpeas increases iron levels.

Frijol Cannellini (Lata)

Frijol Cannellini (Lata)

Sin existencias | Q54.99

Son ideales para preparar diversas y ricas recetas populares en diferentes cocinas del mundo.

También son el ingrediente perfecto para una dieta vegetariana. Disfruta de su increible sabor preparando deliciosos platos.

Fat Free Refried Beans (Can)

Fat Free Refried Beans (Can)

In stock | 16oz Q54.99